Sunday, June 29, 2008

new song

your dark brown eyes were the cause of my demise
your pick up lines, you sentiment,
the way you kissed me hard and said

i was the one who changed you world
those drunken nights i can't forget
phone calls love at 4 am, do you...

remember them?
cause they're embedded on my brittle heart
hoping that some day you...

our passion was so divine
sex in my car and yours
the desert, public pools, and stores

i was dancing to your song
and no one could take that from me
they tried but i never wanted to

forget you
cause you are ingrained on my fragile heart
hoping some day you will...

and i hope that you think of me
the way that i still think of you
tell me why we never made it through
cause baby
i hate you

when i hear your fuckin name
all i think is blasphemy
i'm not the type to be belligerent

but you changed me
cause you're tattooed on my stupid heart
hoping some day you will die.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

forgive me

wow, it has been a while since i've posted a blog.  i told myself i was gonna try keep up with this one, cause it pwns and people read it... sometimes.  well life... has been good i guess.  started working at the bakery, baking bread daily.  its a good job, its easy, i'm on my feet all the time, and i'm constantly preoccupied which i love.  the only thing is the money isn't enough.  i started to work at target, but its a bullshit job, so i left.  closing was a bitch and i was getting too tired so i decided to quit.  now justin and i might get a job at panera.  i'm pretty much in cause the manager, this chick kristen, thinks i'm cute, so i'm totally in.  i'm gonna have to flirt with her a little bit, but its worth the job haha.  but justin did tell her i'm straight so its all good.  i've been working out again.  i got back from el paso and i gained weight.  i like my eating habits the way they are.  so i'm back to my lean cuisines and cereal bars.  i'm up to 5 miles a day.  its so much easy running in the afternoon once i've had some food and energy in me.  before when i ran in the morning, i would get tired within the 2 mile mark.  now i'm like, shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit i'm hogging up the treadmill bitches!  i'm lifting weights too, so i can get buff.  haha not really, i just don't wanna any flabby skin, if i have any.  but my goal is to get down to 130 by then end of the summer.  i have a feeling that its within my reach.  so warped tour 08.  i'm gonna try to make it out to cali cause mcs is gonna be on the last 2.5 weeks of the tour and i really wanna see them.  so far i have no funds.  but if worst comes to worse, i'm gonna sell my 360 to pay for the trip.  we'll see how it goes.  hopefully i can work at panera and then get enough dough for cali.  the boardies are awesome, they've offered to help with money if i need it.  those are friends i tell ya.  well i'm off to nonsense, i have the day off tomorrow.  we'll see where that leads me.