Wednesday, April 30, 2008

i pwned this semester

i woke up around 930 this morning.  got on the internet for a while and headed downstairs to eat some breaky.  i had 2 mini muffins and a cookie (totally healthy).  the futon dudes came around 11.  easiest transaction of my life.  they were really nice, and i found my way down to the basement with ease.  after that i walked around outside for a bit and took some pics outside of christy's house.  i had some moderate allergies this morning, its the cats.  i hate to admit it, but i do think i'm allergic to them.  oh well, what can you do.

i played guitar hero for sometime, and took a shower.  after that i played some more guitar hero and had a veggie dog for lunch cause we're pretty much gonna leave as soon as christy gets home from school.  our schedule is pretty much gonna be driving back in forth between buffalo and rochester, and picking up both nate and patrick.  awesome.  we are gonna be watching getting over sara marshall today.  werd.

spring 08 grades are out, and yours truly, got all A's.  woot for me.  i'm pretty proud of myself, i'm getting myself back into the nerd i used to be.  it feels good to know i did well in school.  wait for next semester though, full time classes, are gonna kick my ass.  but i did get 50 bucks from my mom for getting such a good grades.  i love my parents.

so last night was fun. after we picked nate up from the buffalo, we came back to christy's house for a about 2 seconds. from there we went to the post office cause i had to mail in my rent check. we also got a glimpse of christy's dad's office. from there we went to the bus station to pick patrick up. the part of downtown we were in was pretty sketchy. from there we went back to christy's. she packed and we were off to buffalo once again. we stopped at mighty taco (i have to admit, its pretty damn good). and off to another place, i don't remember the name of the restaurant. we dropped nate of at the venue, and i sold my ticket thankfully. christy patrick and i went to go see forgetting sara marshall. it was pretty good, there are just like these 5 penis shots in a row. don't get me wrong i love nude men, but it was too much haha. after that we wait for nate to get out from the show and were off back to rochester. i drove about half way back cause christy was pretty tires, she had been up since 6 am that morning. once we got back to rochester, we played some gh for a bit, and then we all went to bed around 3? later than 3 actually. i was half asleep, and christy was like back in forth from the computer and the basement i think? don't know what that kid was doing, but yeah she was definitely ruining my half sleep.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

2 cities, 1 day, i rock


The day has started off fine.  Alarm clock went off at 6, I hit the snooze.   I finally got up once Justin texted me to tell me he hasn’t been able to sleep.  I finished packing all the my others shit and waited for Justin.  I was kinda worried I was running late, but I got to the airport in perfect time.  They had just started boarding once I reached the gate.  Flight was an hr so it wasn’t too shabby.  I got some reading done and then attempted to take a nap.  No dice. 

Got to Atlanta around 9, its fuckin freezing balls here.  I think when I landed the temp was 46 degrees?  Wtf?  Haha I hope the weather isn’t this bad in Rochester, cause I’m gonna die.  My skin in used to florida, I can’t lie.  I’m kinda peeved, because the wifi here isn’t free.  So I decided to dish out 8 bucks for “24 hr” wifi service.  Anyway when I signed on, it was like you have 3 hrs of online time.  Total rip off.  And it gets worse… after being on the web for like 10 mins, I get kicked off cause apparently my laptop has too much activity on it?  Fuck you Atlanta airport.  You’re just here to rape me up the ass.  Excuse my vulgarity.  So I decided to go ahead start blogging on word, cause I have nothing better to do.  I already started cleaning my computer from all those pics I don’t like anymore, and just files that have been collecting dust over the years.  Not to mention adding to my resume. 

Last night was fun to the bun?  I tried to be cool there.  Lol this dude just tripped on the cord to my laptop.  He was kinda cute haha.  But back to my evening, I met Justin up and hard knocks with some of his friends.  We totally pwned rock band.  Its so much fun to fuck around.  I was trying to kinda pay attention to the screen cause I didn’t want to fail, but Justin and I were jumping around.  I was kicking him, trying to make it all hardcore.  I attempted to kick-jump off the monitor, but I didn’t want to break it, so it was this wimp jump.  But yeah, anyone who wants to come rock out hardxcore let me know.

I just had moes.  It was filling to the max.  I feel like I just gained 20 lbs.  blah that’s the only thing about Mexican food that shit make you feel fat.  I don’t miss it all that much but its nice to have some every once and a while.  This lady that was sitting next to me was spazzing out mad style.  She was like, “I don’t like people watching me eat.”  I was like listen cunt, you’re at a fuckin airport, eating at the public tables, everyone is gonna watch you regardless you’re demands.  I dunno she was weird.  Her friend looked annoyed.  These were older ladies mind you.  

my flight should be boarding in about 30 mins.  I’ll write more once I get to Rochester.

so i am officially in rochester, ny., home to the chase family.  razzi picked me up from the airport.  it's cold here in rochester too, about the same temp it was back in atlanta when i landed.  we went and visited christy at the cleaners.  i stayed and hung out with christy wwhile razzi went shopping at wegmans.  after that razzi and i went to a mattress store where she bought a futon.  and now i am going to be the person receiving the futon tomorrow morning, being that i am a part of the family now haha.  but yeah watching razzi and the lady talk was amazing.  so many babes, and other weird northern lingo being tossed around like a bag of sand.  it was so entertaining.

now i'm over at christy's just taking advantage of her wireless internet.  she should be getting home in about 45 mins.  i might attempt to take a nap or maybe read.  all i know is there is gonna be some major gh pwnage tonight.  i have to pee but i am wicked lazy right now.  razzi is cleaning downstairs and i can hear her talking to the cats.  at first i thought she was talking to me haha.

picture time...

roc airport sculptures




Monday, April 28, 2008

madness becomes me

i officially had my last day of work today. i am in such shock, just thinking about it all being over. i met some kick ass people though so its all good. what's even more shocking is the idea of leaving for rochester tomorrow. i can't believe i'm going up there again just to see mcs. wow, its so surreal. but i can't wait. i was having some slight anxiety attacks at work, right before my shift was over cause i knew tomorrow i leave for ny. crazy shit i tell you.

i stopped by barnes and noble to pick up a book for the trip. i plan to give it to jp when i see him, but he just sent me an email and said he has most of oliver sacks books' now cause he asked for them for christmas holiday. i have no idea if he has musicophilia. i told him i plan on giving it to him, but i guess he forgot about it. he also apologized for not being able to talk to me after the show. i was like... yeah that's not the first time. jk, thats fucked up.

then on my way home i had the windows down to conserve gas cause i will be broke as hell when i return, anyway back to my point. i was at a red light and these teenage emo chicks in a truck roll down their window and are like, "hi!" i waved. "do you like girls" i reply no. "why not?" cause i don't. youth these days.

i started to clean my room. i realized i can't get all of it clean till i get my laundry done, and right now one of my roomies is taking both the washer and dryer. i hope i can get to use it later tonight cause i have to do laundry, there is no question about it. oh i think i just hear them taking clothes out of the dryer. yes!

well, then i'm off to waste more time on the internet.

the place i reside....

Sunday, April 27, 2008

life can be strange at times

i just sat here for about 30 mins and read beth's blog. does that make me strange. then i thought to myself, i need to start a blog cause my life is strange and underestimated at times. so i did and here we go.

today i made myself get some sleep, my internal clock fucks with me and keeps waking me up before 8. so i made myself sleep in until 12. it felt great. i sat around on the internet for a bit, played rock band some and then went to my brother game. i went shopping at target for a messenger back for my laptop, so i can take it with me to rochester. i found some cheap one fore 15 bucks, yes! and i also bought a watch cause i needs one.

i had dinner with web. we discussed the possibility about us getting back together, but i explained to him that i have relationship issues, and even with justin, they didn't seem to go away. i don't know why, but i start to let small things get to me, and they grow out of proportion. and he admitted that i was in cunt mode right before i broke it off with him. but i'd like to think we left things off on a good note.

i've been sitting on the internet every since then. i tried fitting my gh guitar in the my suitcase but no dice. i might have to get a bigger suitcase or something cause yeah i wanna take it so we can battle haha. maybe i can get denisse to take hers? who knows, either that or i'll have to take this huge duffle bag i have. it's a monster bag though. i'll be able to fit everything in it though thats for sure.

it still feels surreal that i leave for rochester in 2 days. i still remember the idea of going to bamboozle was so far fetched, and now its right around the corner. the things i do for the band i love. i love music i can't help it. i've decided that once i get a job, i'm gonna save up my money and invest on some instruments. i wanna learn how to play everything. bass, keyboards, and drums. is that too much. i wanna write music. we'll see how it goes.