Saturday, May 24, 2008

boredom becomes me

i haven't blogged in a year it seems.  i just haven't had the urge to really.  plus there has been nothing interesting in my life right now.  for example: its 1135 pm on a sat night, and i am sitting at my computer, i was previously watching old sex and the city episodes.  yeah!  last night i stayed up till 5 am downloading music.  what's wrong  with me.  i woke up at noon, ate some breakfast.  next thing i knew, i was back asleep and didn't wake up till 3pm.  wow.  amazing.  my throat has been in a bit of pain today.  i have no clue as to why it's like that but it hurts.  no enough to cause me any discomfort, but still a nuisance.  so yeah, jobs have been pretty lame.  my interview for target was moved till tuesday, so i am still unemployed.  if things don't go good with target, i'm probably gonna call a temp agency and have them find something for me.  i dunno, i really don't wanna do call centers anymore, but then again they pay enough.  plus there is a california trip in the making right now.  looks like another boardies trip.  mcs is gonna be doing the last 2.5 weeks of warped, and the last 5 dates are all in california.  so, so far, patrick, christy, denisse, nate and anna are going.  i will more than likely be going, even if it means that i have to sell my xbox 360.  but yeah, am i nuts for doing all this shit for a band?  i think i might, but then again there are 6 other people who are doing the same thing.  plus, i have made some awesome friends with them, so its worth it in the long run.  

wednesday night was fun, hung out with justin.  played some rock band at my place, and then hung out some with mandi and holly.  while in the living room though, i was messing with my electric guitar and my strap gave out, my guitar landed right on my toe.  it's sick bruised and it hurts.  luckily its a little better now.  i can walk normal haha!  oh goodness.  we saw indiana jones later that night.  i thought it was amazing, there are a lot of haters out there.  all i gotz 2 say is fuck u!

blah!  my life is boring.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

home sweet home

finally!  i am back in orlando.  it feels so good to be back in the hot sticky humid weather that we call home.  does that even make sense?  i hope so.  today has been kinda unproductive.  i spent the night last night at my bro's cause i was way too lazy to drive home, and plus i wanted to cuddle with tango like the old days.  this morning i woke up and attempted to have some cereal for breakfast, but after i poring the milk, i realized it was expired, april 23.  so i just eat the cereal with my fingers.  i watched american idol from the previous week and also the soup.  i played with tango some and then i followed my brother to the executive airport so he could move jeff's car into the hanger.  after that i came home, talked to holly some and then i was off to buy some groceries.

thanks to my mom, and her awesome gift card, i bought me some lean cuisines, fruit snacks (indiana jones ftw!), carrots, grapes, and some water.  its back to my diet tomorrow.  so i indulged once more and had some qdoba for lunch!  that place is so good.  i got raped up the ass and put some gas in my car.  i rented gta4.  so for its pretty good.  i dunno though i kinda liked the fact that you had to keep the other dude in shape and shit.  but this guy you can dress him but so far i don't have to take him to the gym or i can't change his hair style.  but the graphics are amazing.

i have no idea what i'm doing tonight.  probably gonna just play some guitar, eat and play some more gta4.  tomorrow holds nothing promising.  maybe my bro will call me and we'll do the movies or something. 

Friday, May 16, 2008

farewell el paso

well i have reached the end of my el paso trip, and i have to say it was wonderful.  far more better than the time i came in feb of last year.  i had a great time seeing some of my old, but very best friends.  miquela, monica, erin, amanda, gabby and everyone else, seriously thanks for still being my friends and just making me realize that friendships after all these years can still be pertinent in life.  and that they are.  but i'm not gonna make this all sappy and emotional, lets digress to yesterday.

i got up after my mom had dropped my sister and her friends at school.  my mom got back home and made me a burrito with eggs, cheese and chorizo.  good shit.  we just sat around and watched tv until nancy gave us a call and we met her, azelia, and her son at bennigans.  we had a fantabulous and cheap lunch there.  i was unable to finish my monte cristo.  that shit was huge!  after that i said my farewells to the ahumadas and my mom were off to see joice for my haircut.  its really short.  i'm still not sure if i like it, but like my sister, everyone says i'll grow into it.  we picked my sister up from school and i dropped them off at kohls while i bought a gift card from pei wei for my brother on behalf of my mother.  we went back home.  i was uber tired from the night before and i pretty much passed out on the couch.  i was having some random and bizarre dreams.  i woke up drooling heavily on the pillow and went back to sleep.  michelle said i was breathing really loud through my mouth a couple of times.  i found it rather humorous.  my mom went all out on dinner she made ham, potato salad, chile con queso, pasta and something else i think lol.  my godparents came over from mexico to say bye to me.  they are so good to me.  afterwards my sister and i were bored and started to mess with my hair.  we tried giving me a jp look, i think we were rather successful given the items we had to use.

around 10 pm, i met miquela and chelsea at cincinnati bar to watch miquela's dad's neighbor's band (that was a lot of possessive) play.  they were not too shabby.  i felt like that had a lack of lyrics but they were not bad for their age.  we headed out to club 101, it was packed so we went into the bar next door called ice bar?  some shit like that.  chelsea and miquela filled up on alcohol and i drank my diet coke and pretended to be drunk.  there were these girls from some business, who tried to give me a flyer for a party next week.  i explained to nasty carpet munching teeth girl i'm not from el paso, and she left us a lone for the mean time.  we sat their and mocked their horrible dance moves, and when we sat up to dance like them, they honestly thought we were dancing and they were making us grind with them.  it was so bad.  we left and i picked monica up from her house, we had some taco bell (fast food for the last time for me) and we met the rest of the gang at light bar.  they didn't card any of us, so many was able to drink.  we sat around and talked for a bit and then we were off to whataburger once they kicked us out.  we sat around for about an hour and just talked.  afterwards i said bye to miquela and chelsea.  i dropped monica off at home and said bye to her too.

so now its friday and im sitting at the el paso airport.  my flight has been delayed.  unfortunately my parents couldn't stay for too long because they had to go pick my sister up from school.  i can't stress enough how much fun i had in el paso.  i honestly hope i can be able to come back and visit again in the near future.  thanks to everyone who made my trip such a success and just being awesome.  i love you guys to death.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

holy macaroni

i apologize for the lack of blogging.  life has been pretty hectic really.  its all el paso's fault.  i'm just going to make a brief summary about the week because i haven't posted since sunday and it is currently thursday, so you do the math.

sunday: was not too shabby.  i think i wrote about the furr's buffet with the family.  michelle and i went to the mall and returned some jeans she bought at pac sun.  we loitered for a bit, and then went off to guitar center.  i played some guitar for michelle, and taught her the basics on the drum kit.  we messed around with some synthesizers, and then came back home.  later that evening i met up with gabby and naomi at frankies, and i had some water and some nachos gabby ordered.  i left around 1030, due to the lesbian gang that arrived, and leaving gabby and i the only straight ones at the table.  i pretty much went to bed around 1130 that evening.

monday: boring as fuck.  i didn't have the car so i stayed home all day doing nothing but watching obscene amounts of fuse and movies on all the movie channels my dad has.  fun stuff.  i had dinner with my family and that was about it.  very boring day i would say.

tuesday: morning was a mess.  drove my mom to work, and nearly thew up my pop tart on the way to her work.  on the way back driving by myself, i puked a bit on the side of the road.  it was not attractive.  my dumb ass tried eating the other pop tart once i was home, and ended up throwing that up too.  i went straight to bed and woke up around 11.  met miquela, chelsea and dan up at ihop.  i had no appetite, so i attempted to eat a fruit bowl that cost me 6 bucks.  wtf?  anyway i ate like 3 pieces of watermelon, and felt pretty nauseous.  we came back to my house, after picking monie up and started to watch walk hard.  i pretty much vomited everything i ate that morning.  i was so sick i went to bed while everyone was over.  i'm such a bad hostess.  monica drove me and my sister to her orthodontist appointment, because i was unable to drive with the illness.  i almost passed out at jack in the box while they were ordering food, so i made them leave back to the house.  i slept while they ate and until my parents got home.  i was nurtured back to health thanks to my parents.

wednesday: spent the day with my mom.  we went and had lunch at chicos.  i'm so weak now, i can't even finish a double.  it was delicious though.  we hit the stores, tried to find some nice business clothes for me, but i'm way too picky for anything we found.  we came back home and  i helped my mom clean the house.  we went to go pick up my sister and carleigh from school.  i took the girls to go get some corn in the cup and afterwards we played rock band at carleigh's.  my mom made a fantabulous dinner, with some awesome enchiladas.  dan came and picked me up around 930 and we were off to the northeast to meet up miquela and chelsea at shaun's house.  it was ok, they drank and smoked stuff.  i was the only sober sally once again.  i was getting pretty sick off the smell of the weed.  i felt like such a douche bag though cause i would start coughing uncontrollably from the smell.  oh well.  

today:  we're gonna be having lunch with my aunt nancy at bennigans.  i need to take a shower, i'm sure i smell like cigarettes and weed, blah.  finished my fafsa yay!  and new road trip in the works?  warped in ca?  we'll see how my money situation is.  hopefully well enough to afford this trip.

oh yeah i finally found me in a pic at hoodwink in the crowed.  haha this was during chiodos and craig came into the crowd.  if you guys can spot me, be ready to laugh cause my face looks hilarious.  michelle says i look like a potatoe.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

happy day of mothers

day 3 of el paso.  its going swell i can't complain.  been spending a lot of time with my parents and sister.  yesterday in the afternoon we went to the optometrist to get my eyes checked.  got my subscriptions for my glasses.  my mom was raving about this new chinese buffet that they opened, and they haven't eaten there yet so she wanted to check it out.  it was way too expensive, either that or the guy charged us wrong, but i was like... this is totally not worth 65 bucks for the four of us.  so we ended up walking over to this barbecue place and we enjoyed some delectable sandwiches and creamed corn haha.

after lunch, i got my glasses over at some place.  we came back home and watched charlie wilson's war (amazing) and darjeeling limited.  my sister and i ran off while my mother was in the restroom and bought her some flowers and an ice cream cake that i was so tempted to put on their, "you pwn".  but im sure my mom wouldn't have gotten in.  my mom was surprised and so happy.

amanda swung by and picked me up.  we headed down to ale house.  she had a bud light and i had a diet coke.  after that we met up at nicole's mom's house with the rest of the girls.  we just sat around, conversed, and grilled some chicken wings.  i watched as the girls got a little loopy, and reminisced about stuff.  we finally took off and i pretty much fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

so far today some of my family got together at this buffet place for breakfast.  i was constantly mocking the place, because only in el paso will they serve you nachos, enchiladas, and beans for breakfast.  but i stuffed my face and now we are at my house watching a movie called next, starring nicholas cage and his old face.  lets see how the rest of the day plans out.

Friday, May 9, 2008

traveling woah-man

greetings from the houston airport.  i have made it safely onto the ground and i am now awaiting for my flight headed towards el paso, tx.  the wonderful land of hispanics and those other people who aren't like me.  my flight was alright, i slept for a short period, i would estimate around 20-30 mins.  not bad.  i wish i could have gotten some more in, but i was woken up by the lady next to me when her arm slipped from the armrest and hit mine.  i should have punched her. 

on a sad note, i miss my camera.  dearly.  someone buy me one.  i was woken up around 5 this morning by a text message from justin letting me know someone stole his car.  justin if you are reading this, im sorry dude.  thats a hardcore bummer.  hugs to the max my friend.  if i had money i would buy you a new car, but then again, im the total opposite of rich.

looks like im gonna be loading my plane sooooooooooooooooooon.  write when i get to el paso tejas.

so i got to el paso safe and sound.  my mother picked me up and took me out to lunch at jaxons.  i had the diablo salad, and she had water haha.  i dropped her off at work and had the car for the day.  i called up gabby and met her at some park over by americas.  we sat and chatted for a while.  she followed me to the house, dropped my stuff off and we were off to starbucks.  i ran into susie and heidi there.  i haven't seen either one of them in over 2 yrs.  it was nice, i didn't expect to run into anyone my first day back.  

after that i picked my sister up from school.  my cousin's wife was having a baby shower, so my sister and i had to make an appearance.  the baby shower wasn't all that bad, but i fail at those type of gatherings, or any period.  i ate some there, won a prize for some elephant game and talked amongst my mom's coworkers.  my sister and i left early, and i took my sister down to sf oven so she can hang out with her friends, came back home and monica and erin picked me up.

i had such a great time hanging out with them.  they are two of my best friends.  it has been so long since i've seen either of them.  we went over to nicole's house and they drank while i watched them start to slip away from reality so to say.  no one got smashed, so it was fine.  but we had a great time talking about the old days, and just laughing about the drunken days when i was nuts and an alcoholic.  i also got to witness one of the best videos ever recorded.  i love erin, so i will not speak of whats on that video, but all i'm gonna say was there was a fence and a lot of rolling.  

we'll see whats going on.  as far as i know i just have to go get my eyes checked and get my glasses.  wootz

Thursday, May 8, 2008

call me maria sanchez

oh my, its back to my regular life for a day.  its nice to be back to the same old song and dance for a while.  today, i got up later, around 11 something.  i sat around the computer for a while played some guitar and was off to do some errands.  headed down to the leasing office to sign a coed form so that my roommate mandi can lease for room to some dude.  after that i went over the barnes and noble to return a book, for some money, cause i'm poor.  put some gas in my car, and visited lisa for a bit.  it was really, boring.  she doesn't do shit now, all she does is hang out with her bf and do school work.  came back and i just procrastinated on the computer.

i got my laundry done.  found out that the 2 shirts i got while i was in rochester, and missing.  i hope they turn up soon cause i really really, like both of them.  plus one of them cost money haha.  yeah they are a lot of things missing.  christy can't find her ball tickets and her cord for her ipod.  and me and my shirts.  i hope there wasn't a thief amongst us.

tonight, im just gonna be driving over to my bros so that i can spend the night at his place so he can take me to the airport tomorrow morning.  justin wants to do rock band later tonight.  we'll see how time works out for me.  my day is so boring, i have nothing to write about.  

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

all good things must end

its so sad knowing that my trip has come to an end.  i had such a great time.  yesterday was fun and interesting.  the four of us: nate, patrick, denisse and i decided we should stay up all nate since christy was gonna drop us off at the arena at 630 am.  and no sleep it was.  i don't know how but we all stood up.  we sat inside the entrance at the beginning.  we fell asleep for a short while.  i woke up to the sound of patrick snoring.  nate nudged him and said, "patrick!  no snoring!"  patrick replied that he wasn't snoring, fell back asleep and went back to snoring.  we took short naps, but i doubt anyone of us got more than an hr of sleep.  we walked around the campus for a while, and walked along hallways that were painted.  i took one that had a u2 on it for my brother.  the wait went by rather fast.  there were walks to and from the bathroom.  we had lunch once christy got back from school.  

they let the vip group go in before us like always.  we tried getting a wrist band, but the guy was a dick and said we couldn't get one cause we were there to see mcs.  hey dude, we have been there since 630, give us a break.  so we didn't get barricade but we were second row.  we had a great time though sending text messages to the screen.  i got proposed to on the screen and nate and patrick confessed their love to each other.  the show was good.  patrick, christy and i threw pop tarts on stage during it had to be you.  jp thanked us for the food haha.

after the show we went to the signing and talked a little to the guys.  jp and josh weren't present though.  we didn't get any pics, but it was ok.   we stayed for some of panic and we were off back to christy's.  i was in bed by around 12.  patrick fell asleep on christy's bed, and after their many attempts at waking him, i decided to go sleep downstairs in the basement.  denisse joined me close to 1.  i woke up to patrick saying goodbye.  i gave him a big hug and went back to sleep.  i was woken up again to denisse.   i also gave her a big hug and told her i love her.  i finally got up around 12 and went and have lunch with christy at olive garden.  mighty good lunch.  we went back to her place, played some guitar hero and christy left for work.  about 20 mins later razzi was home and she brought me to the airport.  some how i managed to get their wifi here free.  wootz.  my flight is at 540 so they'll probably start boarding in about 20 mins.

i just wanna say that i had the best time.  i'm so glad i got the chance to flight out here and spend in with 4 amazing friends.  guys if you're reading this.  i had such an awesome time, and you guys are all fuckin amazing.  i hope we can do this again, and with some more boardies.  but seriously i am in such a state of euphoria thanks to you guys.  i love you all.

Monday, May 5, 2008

recuperation here i come

ahh, its so nice to finally get some sleep and have time to just relax and hang out with my new friends.  well they kinda have been my friends, but now they're just my friends in person.  yesterday was so much fun, i had such a great time.

i got up around 930 after denisse's phone went off.  i laid there for a bit and then went and had breakfast with razzi.  after everyone else was up and ready we left for bamboozle.  razzi was freaking out cause she wanted us all packed and ready to leave.  i didn't forget my ticket this time so we got there on time.  denisse and i got into the pit for scary kids... it was nuts.  but not as nuts as chiodos.  i didn't really get to enjoy them cause there were so many crowd surfers.  but it was still fun.  after that we went to the giants stadium and chilled for bit, used their facilities there.  after that we met christy up and went to the mcs signing.  not creepy at all.  denisse and i watched circa survive from a distance and walked around for a while looking at merch.  

we decided to get in the pit for mcs, but about 2 hrs before they played.  we were about 3/4 row for the bouncing souls.  they were alright.  the lead singer, was pretty boring to watch.  the crowd wasn't too bad so it was ok.  after that... it was bret michaels.  as much as i hate rock of love, i gotta give it to the guy  he's  fuckin legend.  i should have been more into the show, but i was being a douche bag.   but then mcs came on...

oh my, every time i see them, i get reminded why i love them so much.  before they came on stage they had a marching band come on.  they did some stuff and then they started to play the intro of everything is alright.  jp came out in a marching band uniform as well.  he looked so cute.  the setlist was good.  the crowd surfer were pretty bad too.  i had to dodge the security guard most of the time just so i can see.  i almost got jp's setlist but some dude with uber long arms caught it right over my head.  i was mad.
after that we pretty much left asap cause razzi was going nuts, like always.  after driving for about almost 2 hours we stopped at wendys to eat.  the service was awful and so was the food.  i ate only because i was starving.  on the way back we were all pretty hyper (well at least i was, i had caffeine for the first time in the longest time).  i finally was tired around 12, and fell asleep.  we got back to rochester around 245 i believe, and i was straight to bed.

this morning i finally got some sleep, and was up at 1130.  i had to go wake nate and patrick up because christy was on her way back from her final.  we ate at the vegetarian rest christy works at and we went to the movies.  the guys, denisse and i watched iron man while christy and her friends watched maid of honor.  we walked around the mall for a bit and now we're back at christy's house.  don't know what the plans are for tonight, but we keep throwing things in there as far as what to do.  

tomorrow we're gonna be at the venue at 6, because thats the only time christy can drop us off.  we plan to make some smores and get wasted!  not really, but smores for sure.  

Sunday, May 4, 2008

i got bamboozled

as some of you can tell, i haven't had the time to post like usual.  and i also have bad news.  i lost my camera at bam yesterday.  i know i know.  it sucks.  let's go ahead and begin my talk with friday.

friday i was up around 9, the guys got up around 11.  we were pretty hungry around 12 and hoodwink wasn't till 5.  we decided we should go eat something.  we ended up walking about 2 miles to this real sketchy italian deli, where i swore i gonna get shot.  nothing looked appetizing, and we were ready to either leave or just go back to the gas station we first asked for some help at to get some junk food.  luckily nate noticed there was a pizza place parallel to the deli, and it was pretty legit.  i had me a slice of cheeeezzeee.  we walked back to the hotel and just sat around watching tv.  hannah convinced her dad to come pick us up and were off to their hotel for a short period, and then to hoodwink.

we got there and it was pretty chill, not a lot of people which seemed a tad weird.  i saw rob before mae's set, and i went and tapped him on the shoulder.  he gave me the biggest hug.  it felt so nice haha.  we watched mae play.  the set was kinda weird though, i dunno if the speakers weren't just that great but the sound was bad.  after that metro was playing on the stage next to them.  trace was completely plastered, pretty funny.  we got some men women and children, and saves the day after that.

now chiodos... i am adding them to one of my all time fav bands now.  the pit was insane.  nate and i were second row and the crowd was nuts.  they are filming a dvd, and they put the camera right in our faces.  if we do come out on the dvd we're gonna look like retards.  there were so many crowd surfers.  and craig owens came into the pit, nate and i were holding him up by his foot.  seriously, one of my fav shows by far.

we stuck around for say anything after that.  they were, good always are, but just didn't blow my mind.  i still hear them though.  hannah's dad picked us up again and gave us a lift back to the hotel.  we ended up ordering a bunch of food, and fell asleep before razzi and christy got back from rhode island.  that was just the beginning.

bamboozle day 1, started off good.  i think i was the last one to wake up this time.  except for the fact that i was awake at 6 am cause razzi was snoring unbelievably loud and i was having cramps.  i didn't fall back asleep till around 7.  (i'm starting to wonder if i give too many details on the trip haha).  razzi drove us to the venue, and me like a dumbass, forgot my wallet with my ticket in the van.  luckily after some persuasion, i got razzi to drive back.  i was lost inside of bam, not lost as far as directions go, i just didn't know what bands were playing at what time and stage cause i didn't bring my list with me.  finally after walking around for about an hr, maybe more, i borrowed someone's schedule and got to the stage mae was gonna be on.  

mae was a lot better this time around, and rob kept asking me why i wasn't responding to his texts.  its kinda hard to talk to him from the crowd while other bands are playing.  after that i stayed in the pit for family force 5.  they are amazing.  they seriously blew my mind.  i hope i can see them again, cause they were just so much fun!  i think they came in a very close 2nd with chiodos as far as performances go.

chiodos was nuts.  the crowd was throwing bottles, sweater, food around.  anything they could get their hands on basically.  this was all before they started to play mind you.  once they started to play, it was all hell.  the crowd was swaying every which direction.  it was horrible.   i decide that i should crowd surf my way out, and i was but then some girl in front of me fell, and i fell on top of her and a bunch of other people.   i almost thought i was gonna die.  but luckily they got us all up.  this is where i lost my camera.  i tried looking for it for about 10 mins, but i couldn't find it.  then i figured, even if i found it, it was gonna be destroyed by that time.  so i crowd surfed my way out again.

after watching chiodos finish i bought a fluff my boner shirt, which i absolutely love.  i watched valencia's set from afar.  they were pretty good.  the guitarist smashed his guitar at the end of the set and threw it into the pit, you can only imagine the insanity that was going on there.  i pushed my way in after that and got barricade for mw&c.  they were so good.  major dance partay.  after that christy came over the barricade with me and we got to watch sing it loud.  for my first time, i really enjoyed it and they were awesome.  i caught two shirts that they were throwing into the crowd and gave one to christy.  

we took a while trying to find patrick, but razzi found him on the other side of the meadowlands.  it was so cold by this time, i just wanted to get in the van.  we went to this diner, the service was horrible and the food was mediocre.  after that razzi and i picked up denisse from the airport, came back to the hotel, and watched a little bit of tv before we hit the hay.  my body is pretty much bruised and banged up.  every time i would roll over in bed, i would find a new soft spot on my body.  but getting to meet my twin in person is sweet.  i'm sure we'll get to bond pretty much today.  well then i'm off to enjoy some free continental breaky now.

Friday, May 2, 2008

yesterday was eventful to the max, i was unable to write a blog, but it is 1138 am here in jersey, and today i'm pretty sure i'm not gonna be able to post once we get to hoodwink, so i figured might as well take care of yesterday, and just go from there.  

we left rochester around 1245, maybe closer to 1 i believe and headed out to pittsburgh, pa.  it was something around a 4 hr drive.  we got there and had cici's right away.  after stuffing our face with the wonderful array of pizza, we were off to the venue for the ap tour.  we got their after doors, and ran into matt from the matches outside.  razzi honked at him, and at first he didn't recognize her, and he looked pretty freaked out.

the venue was so small.  it was nice, though but small.  the crowd was pretty much as you would expect from a small venue like that, compact and pretty pushy.  ftsk came out, they were unforgettable but forgettable at the same time.  sonny, was horrible, but funny.  after sonny i decided that i wanted to go up to the balcony (only 21 and over).  which i'm kinda glad i did, got to watch the matches and took some amazing pictures.


after the matches, i went downstairs to meet up with christy and patrick again.  we talked to shawn and jon for a bit, and got a group pic with shawny poo.  the best part of the night was when we caught sonny downstairs and christy and i took a picture with him as a joke.  we made a serious face in the pic.  then right after that patrick went up to him and told him (also in a joking manner) how he's his role model and he really looks up to him.  christy and i had to walk away cause we were laughing too much.

christy and i ended up leaving 3 songs into atl.  i just don't see whats so amazing about them... still.  we sat in the car while razzi went psycho about the route to nj.  after that we picked the guys up and were off to nj.  in the midst of all this fun, i rubbed my left eye, and my contact lens rolled into the back of my eye.  needless to say, its still up there.  either that or it fell out.  i have a feeling its still up there, cause my eye is pretty irritated and red.  i have to see if i can find some sort of optometrist in the area, so see if they can take it out, or if i can get like a sample lens, cause sight through one eye is no picnic.

today we have hoodwink, it doesn't start till 5 so we're just gonna be chilling in the hotel room until then.  hannah can't pick us up so i gotta ask to see if the shuttle will take us there, or somewhere around the area.  lame.  well then i will leave with some more pics from the trip.
